Stark Family Fall 2009 Grey's Lake, IA

Stark Family Fall 2009 Grey's Lake, IA
Our Family

Friday, March 18, 2011

A silver hair...

This was a funny find. Ean has one silver hair upon his head!

Now, I thought you had to be just a little older, or maybe have given birth to get silver hair? I started getting some right after I had Ean, at 25! But at 7?! Well this verse came to my mind a short while later.

Provers 20:29 NLT
"The glory of the young is their strength; the gray hair of experience is the splendor of the old."

So maybe Ean is already benefiting from experience? Hmmm? He is a very smart boy! Who knows maybe he is wise beyond his years. I am glad he thought it was funny to have a silver hair.  Because I did too!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


One thing that I do not get into much is new music. I am a fan of KLOVE and have it on in the van most of the time. Some "pop" will also make it in at times, but I am driving with the kids most of the time and really don't like to have "scary with words songs" come on.

I heard this song the other day and fell in love. Voice, words and music caught my heart. This is me and I think a lot of us as we go through life. It's always the little things that get us off track.

Francesca Battistelli is wonderful.