Stark Family Fall 2009 Grey's Lake, IA

Stark Family Fall 2009 Grey's Lake, IA
Our Family

Thursday, January 21, 2010


This was the first year I have missed seeing my best friends, who now lives in Florida, visit to Iowa. I was ok until I read another friends blog about how they had her family over to eat dinner and got to spend the evening with them. Oh well! I did talk to her on the phone this week and she agreed that it was so wired to not have me be in DSM. How do people do this?... How is it ok to move away?... I am getting some comfort from the bible study I am going through right now, but that does not stop from making me emotional. I keep hoping God has some great things in store for us.
To make matters worse, sorry honey! I mean to make things better, in the long run, John and I are going over a Dave Ramsey workbook. We need to get our money in order. While I really do want this, it just is hard to change. I just want all the money in the world to jump on a plain at any time and be in Florida or DSM when I want. But we always don't get what we want. Why?... That's what I am asking this afternoon. I know it's going to make me grow. I do need that. I know it's going to bring John the kids and I closer. I want the end result now. I don't want to go through the pain of getting there.
This is a pretty sad post and I am sorry, but I just had to vent. I keep thinking it will be another year before I see Heather again, and she is going to miss seeing Emma in her 2's. She is so cute right now.
I am going to end on a positive note. The kids are all playing outside right now. It's 70 something here in Texas! It's Jan.!!! We would be ice skating now in DSM, this is a good thing. Wish I could have helped my mom out with her van problems this week. Oh well, again!
We found a rental house two weeks ago! I am really happy with it! It's perfect! I feel comfortable with it! I did not feel that way with some of the ones we had looked at. Let me just say, I CAN'T wait to have all of MY stuff! I want to organize my house and get rid of what we don't need. Craig's list here we come.
I am meeting some women, it's hard not to have the history with them yet. I missed that about Mops last week.
John's parents are coming in a few weeks. It will be good to see family again. I wish we could get John's sister and some of my family down before we go back in May. But I DO NOT want this to be a burden to any one. I know now what it's like to budget.
Ok, the need to cry has passed. I feel better.
Staying home with Ean and Emma tonight. Evan is going to Cubbies. Ean was sick this morning, only now is running around like a crazy man. KIDS! I really wanted to go to the park today!
Maybe tomorrow!


  1. I'm so glad you found a house you like.

    Sounds like you are having all the normal "hard to adjust" things going on that would be so nice to bypass. I'll be praying for you. I was talking to Jess about how much harder it is to make close friends when you are older. When you are young, you have the time, oodles of it, to put into other people besides your family. Now you have four people who require almost all your time and just a tiny little bit to invest in new friends. Hopefully you will find someone you "click" with right away and can skip all those hours it takes to build a close friendship. :-)

    Love you!

  2. Hang in there! I know how you feel! It took a few months (sorry) to get adjusted to life in Des Moines, but God thoroughly blessed us for obeying is lead. I believe the same will happen to you! Enjoy this adventure with your family! We miss you!

  3. Jayne, I love you and miss you a lot. We knew that January would be hard for the both of us. And I think February will be hard too. I don't mind sad posts. That is what blogs are vent about the good and the bad. I am glad you are doing the Dave Ramsey thing! I have always wanted to do that. I still don't have a new job yet...time is getting closer and closer to the here at my job. I am tring to be faithful and let God show me HIS will not my own. LOVE YOU!

  4. I love you all so much, thank you! Talked with a mom at the park today. That was nice. God know I needed that!
