Stark Family Fall 2009 Grey's Lake, IA

Stark Family Fall 2009 Grey's Lake, IA
Our Family

Saturday, July 23, 2011

My oldest friend...

Yes, I can say that my oldest friend is Rebecca Joy (Swanson) Rankin or Becca, as she has been called for years. I cannot remember a time that she has not been in my life.
Her journey with cancer over the past three years is here at
This past week I have been flooded with memories of her! This may end up being a little random, but I am going to try and get them all out in cyber space. I need to write this as part of my therapy from the news I am have been getting about her health over the past week.

She was the first friend I had a sleep over/slumber party with. Her house had a jungle gym in the basement, and a hideout under the stairs to play house in! I remember on one night that I stayed, she had to ware this great looking head gear for her teeth. I thought she would not be able to talk to me after she put it on, but no, she could and we talked late into the night, so late in fact, her Dad, had to come in and tell us to quiet down! Her house in Grimes also had baby chicks at one time! So much fun! We also got the chicken pox from each other!
As we got older, her birthday sleep overs moved out to her Grandparents farm. This allowed me the pleasure of riding on a four wheeler for the first time. Of course I was to chicken to drive it, so Becca did and I rode on the back and held on for dear life. We flew across the farm land and I still cannot believe how fearless she was. I was amazed that she could handle it! I was so scared, but not Becca! At these birthday parties she also introduce me to two other dear friends, Anna and Erica. Becca was so good at picking friends that we all became very tight. Because I loved these friends so much, I had them meet Heather. Heather and I joined at the hip in 4th grade. They loved her from the start! All four were in my wedding 12 years ago.
We were in the Little Pilgrims 4H club growing up. Demonstrations, cooking, serving, the Polk County Fair and Iowa State Fair were SO much fun to do with Becca.
I took my first plane ride with Becca. Des Moines, Chicago and then landed in Indianapolis for a two week music camp. On our way back we had to RUN across O' Hare because we only had a few min to catch our flight to Des Moines. If she had not been my guide on this first plane trip, I may still be in O'Hare waiting for my flight home.
All five of us went to Chicago twice and Lake Okoboji once. First trip to Chicago was with Erica's parents. I had never been, so seeing Lake Michigan, the Sears Tower, eating at Michael Jordan's restaurant and attend Moody's church on Sunday morning will always have Becca in them.
On the trip to Okoboji we read Joshua Harris' book, I Kissed Dating Goodbye. We all took turns reading in the car and then we realized that Becca had the BEST voice for reading out loud. She lost her voice in fact! Always the servant, being willing to do and help others.
The second time to Chicago, we were out of high school and could go on our own. First road trip without parents!!! We drove to see Anna, who was living there at the time, and got lost trying to find the hotel. The hotel was also a dive, oh my! On the way home we hit a HUGE snow storm. We were all scared to death. We did stop and stay at a relatives of Becca's for the night. Once again a savior, she knew how to get there off the interstate in the blinding snow. Heather was driving and I know she remembers how hard that was!
I was house sitting once and had all the girls over for a sleepover. John and I had just broken up. (This happened twice during our time before engagement.) Becca was having some boy troubles of her own at the time. We were young and wanted to be married and were wondering just who we would end up with. Becca and I stayed up till the wee hours of the morning talking about men. This is one of my fondest memories with her. Open hearts, holding nothing back. I will always cherish that. Because we had stayed up half the night, when we made breakfast in the morning, let's just say not one of our finest moments, but so funny! We could not even make cream cheese frosting together, and the kitchen was a mess. Good times!
We nannied the McCargar kids for a week once. We felt so "old" getting to be the adults for a few days. Doing this with my servant friend was such a breeze! We took turns driving the new mini van! We enjoyed that!
When Becca married Dustin, they got a house in Ankeny, IA. John and I moved to Ankeny later on in our marriage. When I was pregnant with Emma, and Becca was pregnant with Gabby, we were due about a week apart. We met several times to compare pregnancy notes! One being at a late movie. Still remember sitting at the theater with huge belly's laughing away and discussing names!
I must also say how thankful I am for being able to meet with Becca about every time I have come back to Iowa this past year and a half. She was always ready for lunch or a play date to catch up. This loyalty is a treasure to me.

Summer 2004 right before Becca's wedding. L to R, Anna, Erica, Becca and me.

Blogger would not let me put a space in between these last two pictures, sorry!
First picture is Becca's wedding Summer 2004. Heather is on the far left. All five of us were able to come! What a blessing. 
The next picture is at my home in Ankney with Emma and Gabby, our twins. The girls are 15 months old here. They are eight days apart in age. These pictures show how my life has moved with Becca's. Sisters, in Christ and life.
I started writing this blog about 12:30 today. Becca's went to be with her Lord and Savior at 12:50pm.
She was on this earth for 33 years. The same as Christ. And, as Heather reminded me today, Christ started his ministry at 30. This is about the time Becca started having health trouble. The past three years her life and blog have ministered to me in so may ways. Her peaceful, humble and calm spirit during that time are a testimony of Christ in her life to me. 

This past week my emotions have been up and down. Sadness, anger, happy for memories, peace and now some joy. I am thankful that as I sit here, Becca is sitting at the feet of Jesus, praising and worshipping with Him for the first time in three years cancer and pain free. God is good!
 My heart and prayers are with her husband, two little girls and her family. 
Rebecca Joy was a joy in all of our lives and I am so thankful and blessed that I am able to say she was my friend.


  1. I am so very sorry for the loss of your friend, Jayne! I choked up reading this. I keep thinking of her hubby and girls.

  2. What a touching post Jayne. I remember being at your playdate with the kids in the park in Johnston (last year?)and Rebecca was there.

  3. Sigh.... Chills up my spine. I had the same thoughts about Christ and the age that they both died. I've never voiced thenm outloud to anyone. It was healing for me somehow to read that someone else had these same thoughts. Thanks for sharing your heart. As I read this, I remembered Becca telling me about alot of these adventures. It truly was a joy to see you at the funeral. I hope she realized just how loved she was by so very many. From one hurting heart to another... Jess
