Stark Family Fall 2009 Grey's Lake, IA

Stark Family Fall 2009 Grey's Lake, IA
Our Family

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Will it never end....

I saw a news story on the Today Show this morning that made me angry. Ralph Lauren has photo shopped a model to look like she only has a waist that is 2 in wide. I am not kidding. Very sick. And we wonder why women are so obsessed with our body images? We all need to stand up and say NO to this hype of being tall and skinny.
This has been on my mind a lot due to the fact that my body is not what it used to be. After three kids and ten years of marriage, it has had some ups and downs. I have worked hard this summer to become more healthy and have lost some weight, but I still think it needs work. But why? I should be happy that God made me just the way he wanted me to be. It sure is hard to think positively about it when all the images we see of other women are retouched and not even true. If we even have to retouch a size 4, 5 10", 120 pound model, something is wrong.
I pray that as I raise a daughter, I can encourage her with a healthy body image. This is going to be a challenge, but with the Lords help, I hope Emma will learn to love her body.


  1. Hey jayne (just found your blog on facebook!) And first off you HAVE to do the Living History Farms race in Nov, so I can live vicariously through you! Since a pregnant woman probably shouldnt run it!!! LOL But I did it last year and it was SO fun!!! And yes it was FREEZING but seriously, the best race I have ever run!

    Secondly, saw the same thing this morning on TV and felt the EXACT same way! Its horrid! Makes me sad that this is what we have to raise our kids around!!!

  2. Ok, I am going to have to run! It would make my girl friend at Farrell's so happy!

  3. Jayne you have a blog! Yeah! I find our society's view of a 'perfect body' unattainable and utterly frustrating. I don't want to hear the statistics of eating disorders on the news when the same shows are praising actresses and models as the "sexiest woman alive" and she's rail thin. okay, i'm done ranting and now i'm going to eat a muffin.
