Stark Family Fall 2009 Grey's Lake, IA

Stark Family Fall 2009 Grey's Lake, IA
Our Family

Sunday, October 18, 2009

God is in control....

After last week with only one person coming through at our open house, today no one. This is really going to be a test of faith. All the worries of having to slash the price so much that we don't take any money to TX, are becoming scary. I have been wondering why now in this economy do we have to sell our house?! I am trying to rest in that verse for every time there is a season. I know God will provide a buyer at the perfect time, but it's really hard to trust that. I want to know when and how now!
Next weekend we may try and have open houses on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday night is Ean and Emma's birthday party. We are having it at our house. Don't know if I can be ready for a party and open house on the same day. This is going to be a week of prayer. A lot of it!
God is SO MUCH bigger that this. I am going to try and remember that this week!

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